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steve harris Profile
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Registered: 03-2006
Posts: 47
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2010 Last Chance Qualifier

The 2010 LCQ for the Australian National Championships will be held on Saturday June 12, 2010, at the Prince of Wales Hotel in Nundah, Queensland.

The event will be held in a private room above the sports bar.

Registration will begin at 9.30am, with a plan to start the event by 10.30am. All players must be pre qualified at one of the qualifying events held previously.

The event will be 3 rounds of 2hr each, with a final round of 2.5hrs. The event cost will be $20. Prizes will be provided.

Steve Harris
Prince of Brisbane
5/13/2010, 5:28 pm Link to this post Send Email to steve harris   Send PM to steve harris

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